Create a 1 minute video for the them of the day. Inspire others to get curious, take practical action, and discover the Kingdom of God & their rights. Inspire curiosity & mystery about what is possible.
Challenges that inspire others to Take Massive Action and build the muscle of faith. Break the cycle of talking about theories and taking action.
Day 1: The Teams
Develop teams, and companions. Helping people build teams & play the Jesus Games together. Break the cycle of the divided and alone spirit. 1. Be Curious: Asking "What if ...?"
What if? Curiosity, creativity, & humility. We don’t even know .0000000001%. One ten billionth of what has been created by God. A place for the community to crowd source what we all are learning. Scientifically asking questions to make us all better. Stop the fad of creating over simplified answers to very complex truths, creating dangerous overconfidence & stop complicating very simple truths, which leads to being a victim
Record breaking: The same way that records in sports create a standard of excellence and a goal to achieve, take note of records and stories that give us standards to pursue. Gamify the efforts of building the muscles of faith & celebrate the accomplishments of others.